Mit datengetriebenen Lösungen an die Spitze
Webclick ist eine junge, aber schenll wachsende, inhabergefürte Digital Agentur, ursprünglich aus dem sonnigen Bulgarien. Seit 2021 bieten wir einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz rund um das Thema Digitalisierung. Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass ein kanalübergreifende Kundenerlebnis nicht nur mehr hochwertige Leads generiert, sondern auch positive Markenwahrnehmung entwickelt.
Positionieren Sie sich durch zielgerichtete Werbekampagnen, eine Social-Media-Community, ein hohes Suchranking, eine konversionsorientierte Website und vieles mehr als die Marke, die für eine bestimmte Zielgruppe am besten geeignet ist.
Eine starke Marketingstrategie ist die Grundlage für jeden erfolgreichen, wettbewerbsfähigen Unternehmen. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir relevante Botschaften und einzigartige Brand-Experiences, die Menschen bewegen, neue Verbindungen herstellen und für nachhaltiges Wachstum sorgen.
Wir ermitteln die Potenziale in Ihrem Wettbewerbsumfeld, definieren Zielgruppenmerkmale, legen Kennzahlen für die kontinuierliche Erfolgskontrolle fest, empfehlen zielführende Marketing-Maßnahmen von SEO, über Paid Ads bis hin zu Social Media.
Unternehmen sind auf solide Prozesse angewiesen, um ihre Ziele effizient und effektiv zu erreichen. Häufig der Bereich, in dem die Digitalisierung am weitesten fortgeschritten ist: Digitale Unternehmenskommunikation. Sie legt den Grundstein für alle weiteren Schritte, dennoch ruhen auch hier ungeahnte Möglichkeiten. Teamwork, Datenaustausch, Auftragsabwicklung, Kundenbeziehungen, etc. Meist schlummern darin große Potenziale für mehr Effizienz.
Optimierung und Automatisierung von Büroprozessen macht die organisatorischen Abläufe systematisch effizienter und effektiver. Wir untersuchen Prozesse und Arbeitsabläufe, um eine Reihe von effektiven Werkzeugen vorzuschlagen, von digitalen Arbeitsbereichen bis hin zum Kundenbeziehungsmanagement.
Unternehmen, die eine Customer-Experience-Strategie erfolgreich implementieren, erzielen höhere Kundenzufriedenheitsraten, eine geringere Kundenabwanderung und höhere Umsätze.
Die Kundenerfahrung (Customer experience, CX) wird durch die Interaktionen und Erfahrungen definiert, die Ihr Kunde während der gesamten Customer Journey mit Ihrem Unternehmen macht, vom ersten Kontakt bis hin zu einem zufriedenen und loyalen Kunden. Search engine optimisation practices and thought-out advertising campaigns increase competitive advantage across your best performing channels reaching your target customers exactly when (and how) they are looking for you.
Make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged.
When someone hears the name of your company, what images and ideas come to mind?
Social media is one of the most important tools when it comes to establishing your brand. Represent company’s mission, personality and expertise. Build a community of loyal audience.
Web analytics is crucial for any business with a digital presence. Collecting and reporting on user data makes it possible to measure your website performance.
Collecting the right metrics and reporting on user data can show you:
How people use your site
The channels that generate the most website traffic
Your highest performing content
How your website leads to conversions
Use this information to measure and optimize your website performance, so it pushes you toward your business goals.
Think of your website as of a salesperson advocating for your company. From scratch or relaunch – we are ready to make a website that converts users into engaged customers and brand ambassadors.
Much like a traditional physical retail store, e-commerce websites allow consumers and businesses to buy and sell to one another on a designated platform. By developing an online store that is easy to navigate along with a seamless checkout process on any device, privacy first approach and customer suppoert you will retain your customers and expand your business by acquiring new ones.
It takes a lot to pull off a successful website launch. Many different aspects must be taken into account: design should be appealing, navigation intuitive, SEO aspects must be taken into account, the users must be satisfied – and in the end the whole thing must be implemented technically correctly.
Get to know how we work:
We don’t rely on guesswork. First off, we dive deep to understand unique proposition of the brand to develop digital strategy. But, it is no “set it and forget it” mentality. We stay agile, continiuosly tracking the results and looking for improvements. Find out more:
The PDCA framework begins with a planning phase where a problem or a process to be improved is identified. Outlined goals, defined scope and schedule. We believe that the only way to hit project goals on time and budget is to approach it with a clear plan.
We evaluate as-is situation and identify a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Once we know the situation, we can set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals.
This is the step where the plan is set in motion. In order to measure something, it is requirend to DO something. Identified key events/trends in your particular industry in the planning phase. At this stage we test the proposed solutions or changes.
Seamless Integration
During proactive onboarding we dive deep into dynamics of your brand to test hypotheses and create solid ground for future work.
Monitor the implemented process to determine if it meets the original objective. Did you meet your goal or expected outcome?
In the act phase, we’ll officially determine if the solution is successful and work on implementing it to improve your process, product or service. If needed, we will change the process to produce a quality product based on predetermined standards.
The PDCA cycle is a loop, meaning that even if you’ve implemented a solution, you still want to continue to work on identifying improvement opportunities so your business can flourish and make customers.
Look at the processes during a product’s development to identify and address possible problems before they happen.
Inspect implemented solutions to ensure that they function as expected.
The PDCA framework begins with a planning phase where a problem or a process to be improved is identified. Outlined goals, defined scope and schedule. We believe that the only way to hit project goals on time and budget is to approach it with a clear plan.
We evaluate as-is situation and identify a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Once we know the situation, we can set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals.
This is the step where the plan is set in motion. In order to measure something, it is requirend to DO something. Identified key events/trends in your particular industry in the planning phase. At this stage we test the proposed solutions or changes.
Seamless Integration
During proactive onboarding we dive deep into dynamics of your brand to test hypotheses and create solid ground for future work.
Monitor the implemented process to determine if it meets the original objective. Did you meet your goal or expected outcome?
In the act phase, we’ll officially determine if the solution is successful and work on implementing it to improve your process, product or service. If needed, we will change the process to produce a quality product based on predetermined standards.
The PDCA cycle is a loop, meaning that even if you’ve implemented a solution, you still want to continue to work on identifying improvement opportunities so your business can flourish and make customers.
Look at the processes during a product’s development to identify and address possible problems before they happen.
Inspect implemented solutions to ensure that they function as expected.
We keep regular dialogues goal-oriented and structured. Prioritised agenda, clear message and consistent follow-ups keep each side up-to-date.
Project management tools keep processes visible for a team and customer. For each project we develop individual workflows to plan, estimate and keep track of progress.
Customer relationships is a two-way street. How our customers estimate our work has always been a valuable insight. It helps us become better with every single project.
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